

“I recently had a couple of therapy sessions with Edit. I felt genuinely listened to, which made a significant difference in my comfort level. Initially, I was embarrassed and uneasy, but her approachable and non-judgmental demeanor quickly put me at ease. She provided practical advice tailored to my specific needs, making the guidance not only relevant but also actionable. Overall, I highly recommend her to anyone seeking empathetic and effective support.”

~ A.F. 2024


I want to say thank you for your help and support during the changing time in my relationship. I feel my husband and I are able to communicate more openly and he has really stepped up in the relationship.”

~ A.R. 2024


 “Thank you, your time and help has changed my life and I appreciate this very much.” 

~ S.W. 2023


“My husband and I have had a breakthrough. We’ve been following your advice & I’ve been making my needs clear, and he is responding, which is just great! Thank you very much for all your help. I really appreciate it.”

~ S.L. 2022


“I have been working with Edit for nearly a year, through couples counselling, intimacy issues, my marriage break up and navigating a single life after 25years of marriage.
I am a very private person, but with Edit I have become comfortable talking about things I have never talked to anyone about, she has an amazing way of helping me to open up. 
Edit cares about my outcomes and the process of getting to those. She has provided me with advice, guidance and the tools I need to continue to succeed in life and love

~ M. 2022


“We were having issues in regard to low sex frequency and an increasing frustration about it. On top of that we were a bit reluctant to go to sex therapy.
Edit made us feel very comfortable discussing our situation and gave us good advice. But most importantly, we noticed the positive change right away. We only attended 2 sessions in total. Totally worth it and recommended. (Thanks a lot, Edit!)”

~ C & F, Auckland 2021


“Me and my partner sought therapy due to intimacy issues and lack of libido. We had engaged with prior sex therapy but felt like we were not making progress. Edit provided a caring environment where we felt free to express our personal issues without judgement. It felt like the three of us were working through these issues together rather than taking direction from a figure of authority, which is an approach we felt worked for us.
After a number of sessions, we were happy with the progress we had made. Edit candidly told us that while we were welcome to continue, our progress was such that there was little point to continue therapy. While Edit could have continued to charge us for therapy, this we felt was an honest assessment of our situation and that it was no longer needed.
Edit was a caring, effective therapist who had our best interests at heart. We left feeling satisfied with our care and would recommend Edit to those who are going through intimacy issues.”

~  J&T, Auckland 2018


“Edit was very understanding and helped to understand the nature of the issues. This helped to solve them very quickly. I would definitely recommend her!”

~ D. N. 2018


“Edit quickly made me feel comfortable to talk to her. She was professional and empathetic. What I liked most about our consultation is that it was positive and constructive, at a time that I wasn’t feeling this way inclined. I now have a renewed perspective and excitement for my relationship again.”

~ S. R. 2018


“I just want to particularly thank you for Mondays session, and sensitively listening to some of my issues including intimate ones which are embarrassing to relate. I really appreciated you changing the session to suit.”

(Auckland, 2017)


“Wanted to say thank you, you have helped me, I feel less stressed and I feel I have lots of different options to help me and to help me achieve what I want.

I am actually quite surprised that You were able to assess my situation and come up with so much to offer. I feel I will be a more rounded person as a result of your guidance.”

~ Cheryl


“Your workshop on sexuality and how to educate and support people with intellectual disability was a great success.

Thank you for your enthusiasm, humour and expertise. Our service and support staff truly enjoyed the learning experience. Each individual had a chance to hear and be heard. I found your style most engaging, as did all of our staff. You noted the needs of each participant and to ensure the workshop was indeed customized. An exemplary program! Everyone had questions for you and found your techniques to talk about sexuality with people with learning disability very helpful.

We truly benefited from your experience and professionalism. Bringing yourself to the same level as a typical representative captivated the team. Egos and personal believes were left at the door and everyone participated one hundred percent.

Thank you very much for an enjoyable learning experience.”

~ Noori Zehab, The Puhinui Homes Trust (2015)


“I met Edit as a patient at Dove House Hospice where a broad range of assistance is offered to people suffering major illnesses with particular emphasis on helping the mental stresses associated with such illnesses.

In my case I had undergone a radical prostatectomy, radiation and subsequent on-going anti-androgen medication. In a nutshell my sexuality was severely in question as a consequence of the procedures, I retreated into a permanent man-cave, and my wife (who is my best friend) had retreated into her shell. Why? I was embarrassed at my lack of ability in sexual matters and my wife did not want to remind me of life as it was prior to surgery so believed it was best to pretend that sexuality did not matter.

When a workshop on sexuality was offered for patients at Dove House, I put my name down – somewhat nervously as I had never discussed the subject with strangers before in my life. I am mature and but relatively young and certainly still had male desires – and sexual habits were still fresh in my mind so I figured that there had to be something beneficial in attending. The decision was one of the best that I had ever made in terms of health and wellbeing. Immediately Edit put us at our ease. Edit is consummate professional that knows exactly how to assist people to relax and feel confident about themselves. The mix of male and female attendees (all strangers) were comfortable in talking about their sexuality concerns after had set the scene in their explanation of sexuality and the important part it plays in our very being. No criticisms or judgements were made of the attendees in telling their stories- only genuine warmth, empathy and positive suggestions for moving forward with our lives. It was a very safe environment to be in.

The outcome for my wife and I was to break down the artificial barriers that we had built to “protect” each other, to communicate about anything including sexuality and jointly form a strategy to make the most of what we could still have. Life has improved for us and not surprisingly for the first time in over 4 years I can say that we are controlling the cancer – not vice-versa. Helped by the right therapist the mind can defeat almost anything in my experience – and believe me, Edit is a great therapist.”

~ Lawrence, Auckland (2015)


“In 2015 both my wife and I had major surgery for cancer. My wife for cancer of the uterus and myself for an advanced prostate problem. After nearly 40 years of marriage this had major implications on our marriage, especially the physical elements.

We were recommended to Edit for counseling and she spent several sessions with us, initially one on one and then as a couple. Edit is a true professional who used  her vast experience and training, demonstrating empathy and understanding to work through the various  physical issues we face day to day in our new world.  She is caring, but firm and has a unique ability to develop trust very quickly and get to the core of what is potentially a very delicate and personal subject.

We would highly recommend Edit for any situation such as what we experienced – she has left us with ideas and techniques to reconnect emotionally and physically.”

~ B & B, Auckland


“Edit Horvath has been a professional speaker at prostate cancer support groups and is very professional and has a lovely nature. I would recommend Edit as a sex therapist.”

~ Claire Gard, National Operations Manager for Prostate Cancer Foundation


“Having lost my husband to cancer some years ago, I was anxious at the thought of beginning a sexual relationship with my new partner. Talking with Edit allayed those fears and enabled me to open myself up to my new relationship and once again enjoy my sexuality.”

If you need to speak to someone, contact Edit to book a confidential appointment